
TEKTRIX has a lot to offer on its plate, and its 18 years of experience has diversity, peculiarity and customization. With the changing trends in IT tools and AI integrations, the services we offer have advanced too, catering to wide clientele, offering made to order IT solutions and an apt after sales service. Our specialty services are:

1. UCAAS or Unified Communications as a Service i.e. cloud delivered unified communications which provide ease and effortless convenience to our clients in enterprise settings, through audio, video and web conferencing. We also deliver individual and enterprise telephony along with unified messaging.

2. Contact center services which provide services like conversational AI. Today organizations benefit a great deal with such services because customers can be easily contacted and satisfied with clear communication. TEKTRIX promises glitch-free AI solutions to contact centers and organizational clients. Our provided services assimilate AI and client needs to retrieve customer information, providing deep customer insights, setting up automatic routing and answering FAQs through information assembling. We aim to provide hassle free services for our clients to book appointments, reservations or answer inquiries.